Friday, February 22, 2013

*13 weeks*

How far along? 13 weeks
Total weight gain/loss? I have no idea. Ill find out next week
Maternity clothes? got some maternity leggings but they're still a little big
Stretch Marks? nope. i will be rubbing body butter all over this belly till I'm in labor
Sleep? Im not sleeping through the night :( not my favorite
Best moment this week? celebrating ten months of happiness! and turning 23 yikes!
Told family/friends? Yes!
Miss anything? Wine. and coffee.
Movement? Nothin that I can feel! i can't wait :)
Food cravings? still guacamole and salads. Mac and cheese has snuck in to my late night cravings
Nausea? Still hanging around!
Started showing yet? I want to rush it i think! i have a little bump, but still nothing big.
Gender prediction? I have no idea. some days I'm convinced it's a girl, others a boy.
Labor signs? Nope
Belly button in or out? In but it really is starting to not be so deep.
Happy or moody? i am all over the place! i had moments where i physically feel high from being so happy! but then the other night, Andrew called asking what we were having for dinner. After  i explained it, he says "oh so kind of like your chicken Marco polo?" well that pissed me off like you wouldn't believe! i gave him the coldshoulder for most of the meal until we both looked at each other and just busted out laughing. he has been so amazing and understanding, i really am so lucky. 
Looking forward to? hearing the heartbeat this week!! a month between doctors appointments feels like years! keep us in your prayers! :)

Thursday, February 21, 2013

These are a few of my favorite things..

Alright..I am feeling spunky today! The 2nd trimester has been very kind to me so far. A little bit of sickness, but so much energy back. SO! Since I'm in such a chipper mood, I thought I'd share some of my preggo favorites. I know this list will grow as time goes on, but here's the start!
1. The Girlfriend's Guide to Pregnancy
I found this book through It's incredibleee. As much as I love "What to Expect When You're Expecting", this book keeps me sane. It's all the things that you would expect your best friends to be brutally honest about. It's the TMI about all the less than glamorous things that come along with pregnancy. She is HUH-larious. I swear, something will be going on with my body and I'll turn the page and tadaaaaa! There's the explanation. :) Being a younger mom, most of the people I know aren't on the baby track. However, I have found that mommy facebook friends have reached out to me. It's like you join this amazing circle of incredible women who want to just help you and love on you. So I add them to this book, because they are my girlfriends. :)
2. The What To Expect When You're Expecting Workout
I just started this today but I'm already in love. This workout is amazing. It's unbelievably catered specifically to being pregnant. I may have busted out in tears once or twice as the instructors talked about the bonding going on as we nestled our bellies while lunging. It's bliss.
It's also nice to just do some physical activity. Not only is it great for baby, but for my energy too! After not being able to peel myself off the couch for 3 months, some movement is awesome. I think that's why I'm in such a good mood! I am ELATED. That could also be the hormones. But its AWESOME.
Oh, also that pink Nalgene water bottle has been my saving grace. I go through at least ten of those a day, sucking down water. It's nice because it has a lid and I can cuddle it in bed.
If you're a mama to be, I would highly suggest both of these. Being pregnant is awesome, and these just amplify that feeling!
Bed head + all pink workout gear. Giiit it.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Boy or Girl?

Boy or Girl??
I might be the most impatient pregnant woman in the ENTIRE world. Andrew really has been such an amazing support system through my crazy emotions. I literally sat down today and looked through every pregnacy blog I could find and compared my belly to theirs at 13 weeks. Some were huge, some were smaller than mine. Am I growing? Is that a baby or a bagel?? AAAHHH!
I put a picture of 7 weeks next to 13 weeks and this is what I got:

So YES! Although the bump is small, it is mighty and growing!
This is mostly for my own sense of calm.

Anywaysss. Now that I'm officially in the 2nd trimester, I can't WAIT to find out what we're having. :) We've already decided on names.

Bailey Grace
(we're still trying to figure out the middle name.)
Bailey was easy, because I had a dream that we had a baby girl about 3 months before we found out I was pregnant. That's been one of the crazy signs. When I woke up and told Andrew, we both lit up and decided that one day when we had a girl, she would be Bailey. LOVED that name.
When we had suspicions that I was preggo, we were driving home from Georgia talking about it. I finally threw my hands up and said, "There's no use talking about it until I take a test. Besides, I'm totally not pregnant." Two seconds later? BAM! We pass a huge building that read, "BAILEY TOWERS" and that's how we knew. :)
Coming up with a boy's name is proving a little bit harder. Since Andrew is convinced we're having a girl, he figures it's silly to pick out boy names. Unless of course it's Chip Otle Mitchell.
Either way, we're both unbelievably ecstatic and cant wait for this little beauty to be here, boy OR girl! I can't wait to be mama to Baby Mitchell!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

*12 Weeks*

We finallyyy got to tell everyone! YAY!!!
I have been bursting at the seams (literally) to let all of our friends know about our exciting baby news :) We did this past weekend at Andrew's 30th birthday party. There had been a rumor going around the group that I was preggo since I hadn't been drinking since NYE. We told everyone we wanted to clear the air and that this rumor, was in fact, true. :) I can't even begin to explain the amount of support and love we've received! We're so blessed to be surrounded by such AMAZING friends and family.

I'm definitely at the awkward kinda but not really showing stage.

We also got our first piece of baby clothing from Andrew's parents. OH MY WORD was I a bucket of tears. That's another thing, I'm beyond blessed with such amazing future in-laws!

 How far along? 12 weeks
Total weight gain/loss? I have no idea. I dont have a scale haha
Maternity clothes? nothing yet :) Although Im definitely eyeing the maternity leggings from Gap
Stretch Marks? nope
Sleep? I sleep hard through the night, but I'm waking up around 4 or 6 and then can't get back to sleep. Still pretty exhausted throughout the day.
Best moment this week? We finally got to tell all of our friends! I was so nervous, but it has just been such an amazing thing seeing how supportive and wonderful they all are.
Told family/friends? Yes!! It's finally all out there :))
Miss anything? Wine. I gotta say.
Movement? Nothin that I can feel!
Food cravings? Avocado. SO bad. and salads!
Nausea? Still hanging around!
Started showing yet? I can definitely notice, and so can Andrew. But it's the you-look-like-you-ate-too-many-donuts stage, so not so cute.
Gender prediction? I think boy! I even had a dream we cut the cake with the gender reveal and it was blue.
Labor signs? Nope
Belly button in or out? In but it really is starting to not be so deep.
Happy or moody? all of it haha God bless Andrew
Weekly wisdom: Don't forget that this is YOUR pregnancy. Everyone will have things to say about it and to you, but at the end of the day it's OURS.
Looking forward to? Finding out the sex! Getting the wedding all planned. Hearing the heartbeat! EVERYTHING! :)

Sunday, February 3, 2013

*11 Weeks*

Don't mind my appearance, I haven't been able to move from the bed. :)

How far along? 11 weeks
Total weight gain/loss? gained about 2 pounds
Maternity clothes? not yet! i am however using the hair tie trick on some of my jeans
Stretch Marks? nope
Sleep? I'm exhausted! I was trying to describe it to Andrew and all i can say is it's not sleepy, it's like core of my being is completely exhausted.
Best moment this week? we finalized a bunch of details for the wedding! i can't wait to ma my best friend :)
Told family/friends? I'm ready to tell the world!
Miss anything? energy
Movement? Nothin that I can feel!
Food cravings? guacamole!!! oh my gosh it's like heaven
Nausea? I'm having a lot more, but i don't always get sick so that's nice!
Started showing yet? A little bit!i can feel tiny little bump :)
Gender prediction? I'm starting to it's a boy :)
Labor signs? Nope
Belly button in or out? In
Happy or moody? all of it haha God bless Andrew 
Weekly wisdom: when your body wants rest, rest!!!
Looking forward to? Finding out the sex! And telling all of our friends :)