Sunday, August 25, 2013

Happy Due Date! *40 weeks*

Happy 40 weeks! :) Oh the emotional roller coaster I have been on this past week. I've been (impatiently) waiting on this boy to make some sort of move to show that he is, in fact, coming. And let me tell you, I am trying all the tricks. Cajun seasoning on everything, bouncing and rocking on my exercise ball, walks with Andrew; you name it, I've tried it. I guess my little man is just too happy and content to move on down though.

I had a bit of a break down last night due to the frustration and just tiredness I feel. I have been so blessed with such an amazing pregnancy. I'm 9 months pregnant and still able to go about my day like nothing's different. However, I'm 9 months pregnant and it's taking a toll on my body and brain. So, I just got so weepy last night. Once again, Andrew saved the day. After holding me for a good half hour and reassuring me how strong and beautiful I am (God bless him) he told me he needed to go fix his tail light. When he came back in a little bit later he asked me to go pick a movie for us to watch upstairs. When he called me back to ask a question, I see a huge bouquet of pink, red, and white roses with Pringles and chocolate. Somehow he picked up me whining about my craving for Pringles in the middle of my sobs and went to go get them all for me. 

Husband of the year!? Uh, yeah!!!! He has kept me sane throughout this pregnancy, and I'm so blessed to have him as my partner in all this.

I woke up this morning with a new sense of peace. After praying/sobbing/begging God for some relief, He gave it to me. (As always!) I realized how truly blessed I am that I get to experience the privilege of carrying Jack. My biggest problem is that my baby boy is fully developed and healthy and just wants to hang in there a little while longer. What a beautiful problem to have. 

So here we are, 40 weeks pregnant and probably still goin another week. God's timing has always been much better then my own. I trust in Jesus and His plan for me and this baby. That's all there is to it!

Monday, August 19, 2013

*39 weeks*

How far along? 39 weeks 1 day
Maternity clothes? Still rockin a bit of both! Mostly living in leggings and stretchy, long camis.
Stretch marks? I have one! It right where my belly button ring was, I knew it was a comin! I still feel so blessed that that's it.
Sleep: Not at all. He's huge and I always think I'm in labor haha!
Nausea: Nope
Best moment this week: I just feel so unbelievably blessed. We feel ready, our bags are packed, I have an active baby boy twirling around in my belly, were surrounded by the most incredible friends and family. It's overwhelming how good God is to us.
Miss Anything? COFFEEEEE. 
Movement: Allllll the time :) it's fun to watch Andrew feel him movin around. We know that these times are comin to an end soon, so we really appreciate ad admire these belly movements.
Food cravings: I wanted hot cheeto fries like it was no ones business the other night. Luckily such an unhealthy craving meant we weren't going to get it. But what the!?
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Labor Signs: more Braxton hicks
Symptoms: Braxton hicks, swollen feet & legs :( 
Belly Button in or out? Out! :)
Wedding ring on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: oh I've been up and down :) I had one day where I literally could Not. Stop. Crying. Everything made me cry, happy or sad. And I mean, I was sobbing. Andrew even came home from work early to be with me and that made me cry! Whoo hormones! :) otherwise I'm just antsy and impatient :) but happy!!
Looking forward to: meeting our son! Hopefully we will have made at least some progress at our appointment tomorrow (gimme a centimeter baby jack!) I'm ready to hold our baby boy!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

*36 weeks* & the NURSERY!

36 weeks! In the home stretch :)
I finally got around to taking pictures of the nursery. Can't wait to see our little guy in there!


We also have a nook in our bedroom where Jack will be sleeping for the first couple weeks :)

How far along? 36 weeks 4 days
Maternity clothes? Still rockin a bit of both! Mostly living in leggings though. Is it fall yet?!
Stretch marks? Nope. Fingers crossed!
Sleep: Not at all. I'm always back and forth to the bathroom, and I can't get comfortable.
Nausea: Nope
Best moment this week: Realizing that our little man will be here SO soon! I've had a lot of up and down moments, worrying about if I'm really ready. God's put it really heavy on my heart to continue to just give it up to Him, and doing so I feel such a sense of calm. We're as ready as we can be, and we have such an amazing support system around us! We got this :)
Miss Anything? COFFEEEEE. I'm ready to have a rare steak, glass of wine, and venti pumpkin spice latte.
Movement: Allllll the time :) healthy boy, happy mama!
Food cravings: Tonight I wanted tomato juice out of nowhere! Otherwise, still the same stuff :)
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Labor Signs: Braxton hicks
Symptoms: Braxton hicks, swollen feet & legs :(, fatigue to the max
Belly Button in or out? Out! :)
Wedding ring on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: happy :) and i've been really emotional, just kinda all over the place! Thankfully, Andrew is the best and talks me off a ledge every single time. So thankful for such an incredible, supportive husband.
Looking forward to: Our ultrasound Monday :) And Adina's in town for the rest of the month!! Can't wait to hug my pregger friend and gush over babies :)