Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Goodbye Luckee 13, Hello 2014

Get engaged.
Get married.
Buy a house.
Have a baby.
That was my beautiful, crazy 2013.
In one short year my entire world shifted, and I became the luckiest, happiest woman on the planet.
I was thinking back to this time last year, and getting really weepy. I remember standing in a dressing room stall, crying my eyes out to my mom because nothing was fitting right. I didn't feel beautiful, and I damn sure didn't want to wear a tight, sparkly mini-dress with this muffin top coming in.
Little did I know that my body was gearing up for the craziest ride of my life.
On this night, exactly one year ago, Andrew was filling up my cup of vodka (water) and putting as many limes as he could fit in there so people wouldn't notice I wasn't drinking.
Little did I know that the fact that I was wearing a loose, white sweater and black slacks would be a dead give away.
"I expected Becca to be wearing somethings flashy! Is she drinking? Is she pregnant?!"
(Jo Jo, you just knew!)
13 has been lucky to me for many reasons, but I still can't believe that the year 2013 brought what it did. I gained new friends, lost a few friends, and learned more about myself than I ever thought possible. It was bittersweet at times, but my goodness was it sweet.
The man of my absolute dreams asked me to be his wife, and for some crazy reason still wanted to say "I do" just a few short months later!
We had the most beautiful, loving, funny, sweet baby boy to ever be born. I am overwhelmed to tears (daily!) by the love that our home has. I never knew a man could make me cry every single day, tears of absolute happiness and joy. My heart is so full that it's overflowing with gratefulness, blessings, and deep, deep love!
I prayed for a long, long time that God would save me from the rut I was in, give me some direction, show me who/what I was supposed to be!
My goodness, did He. He put Andrew in my life, and then He gave us Jack.
THAT is one heck of a year.
I don't know what 2014 has in store, but then again I had no idea what 2013 held. All I know is I get to spend a new year wrapped in love, snuggled next to my husband, and kissing on my 4 month old. 2014, you have some incredibly big, beautiful shoes to fill...but I already know tomorrow will be even more beautiful than today!
Tonight I'm spending my NYE tucked in at our beautiful house, next to a little boy in a tuxedo onesie, and a husband who I can't take my eyes off of. I can tell you this, it doesn't get better than that.
Cheers to you my friends! I hope your new year is as full of love, Christ, and happiness that I have experienced. You never know what could happen ;)
I suggest starting at a karaoke bar on a Sunday night.
This is how Jack feels about it being a new year.


Friday, December 13, 2013

The Dreaded Turtle

I had a big, brown box waiting for me by the front door this morning. I've been doing a little too much Christmas shopping, so I could not wait to see what had finally arrived. I tore through that brown cardboard like my life depended on it...

And there it was. Staring up at me with it's peacefull, smiling, horrible, life-changing face!
Okay, okay. I'm being a bit dramatic. BUT NOT REALLY!! Here's the deal: I made a promise to Andrew (well, to myself but I felt like I had to say it out loud so I would go through with it) that when this bad boy arrived in the mail, I would finally be ready to move Jack to his crib.
Jack's still in your room?!?!  I KNOW I KNOW! I laughed as I read one of my old blogs that showed a picture of his pack-n-play that he would spend "a couple weeks" in.
Well here we are 3 months later and he is still in it. You see, there's been some trouble sleeping through the night, needing of comfort 24/7, and an urge to snuggle.
Jack, you say?
Um..no. ME.
Yep, I find myself waking at 3:30 am just to make sure he doesn't need me. Are you sure you want to stay asleep? Yeah? Oh...okay. I'll just watch you from here. It's ridiculous, I'm aware. I was just waiting for the "right time". He needed a sound machine (check), humidifier (check), and obviously a night sky to light up his room because DUH who doesn't need one of those? So I purchased Mr. Turtle two days ago with the slowest snail-mail hoping I had a week or two left with my cooing baby next to me. Wouldn't you know that mail has suddenly become so efficient and quick?! (Hello, where are my Christmas cards?!)
Now that Jack's really starting to set a schedule for himself (sleep training, what? he's a pro on his own) I knew that it was time to keep that going. The last thing I want is my awesome, sleeping-through-the-night 3 month old to back track because mama can't handle him being in the next room over. Did I mention his room is literally maybe 6 feet away from our door? Yeah.
So I'm asking for some mama-courage and a lot of prayers because tonight I attempt to put my heart in the room next to me. I don't promise that I won't go across the hall 13 times to make sure our boy is happy, but I do promise to try my best.
Motherhood: making women cry over a light-up turtle.

Monday, December 2, 2013

*3 months old*

Hi there!
My name is Jack William Mitchell, but my parents call me Jack-Jack. I can't believe I've been living with them for 3 whole months! It sure has been fun getting to know them, even if they don't understand what I'm trying to tell them sometimes.
This month I learned so many new things! I found out that when mama puts me on my tummy I can hold myself up, all by MYSELF! When I get tired of that though I just flip myself over onto my back. Mom started clapping and shrieking when I did this, which I think is just the silliest thing. I'm just bored with tummy time!
I also have found out that I have fingers. Wouldn't you know that they are the coolest things? I mostly like to suck on my pointer fingers (they're the tastiest). I pretty much like to suck on anything really...my lovey, my fingers, mamas arm, my paci, my rattle ball, and a big, stuffed snake I found at Grandpa and Gigi's!
Oh yeah! I got to travel allllll the way to Georgia for Thanksgiving. I slept the whole way! That car seat sure is comfy. I only made my parents stop once, but a guy's gotta go sometimes! I thought it would be funny to surprise daddy and show him how awesome my aim has gotten. I showed him all over the car! Mom thought it was hilarious! (So did I.)
(Seriously though, it was hilarious.)
Anyways, I got to see my Grandpa and Gigi for a few days. Man are they fun! Grandpa always makes me smile and happy when I'm feeling a little grumpy. I liked hanging out with them SO much, I didn't want to sleep one second! Eventually I gave in though and decided to sleep extra long for mama and daddy. 11 hours to be exact!
I really like to be around people, and let's be honest...the ladies love me. All I have to do is say, "Hey" and smile at them, and I get soo many hugs and kisses back! I love to talk to everyone too.  I recently found out that I have a BIG voice!

Anyways, I'm basically a big boy now. I like to be upright pretty much all the time. Mama props me up on the couch, or holds my hands while I sit, or carries me around so I can take in everything around me. Enough of that "baby" stuff! Who has time to lay down?! I'm also learning how to grab, pull, and shake things. Playing is my favorite!
Well, I'm gonna go snuggle on my mama now (it's her favorite thing I do.)

Talk to you soon!


Tuesday, November 19, 2013

*1 mo. & 2 months*



^^^ Can hold his head by himself ^^^
^^^ Sleeps 6 hours at night ^^^
^^^ "Talks" and mimicks our sounds ^^^
^^^ Smiles whenever he sees mama or daddy ^^^
^^^ Has found his legs and hands and likes to wiggle them fast ^^^
^^^ Is growing out of 3 month clothes ^^^
^^^ Giggles at daddy ^^^
^^^ Discovered we have a cat ^^^
^^^ Grabs on mommys hair and necklaces ^^^

Monday, October 7, 2013

Dr. Google and Jesus Calling

This is my 3rd attempt at writing this post. I started out writing this as an entry in my journal, but my only pen dwindled to a slow death on the first sentence. So I figured maybe this needs to be shared. Well then a bee chased Jack and me around outside until I was out of its territory and safe behind closed doors. The devils trying to keep this one locked up! Well HA! Take that! Here we go again.

Today's one of those days where I reached a breaking point in my distance from God. I've found myself making a lot of excuses as to why I can't find time with Him. I have a newborn. The most laid back, easy going newborn who as we speak is laying in my lap. There goes that excuse!

I started having anxiety when I met Andrew and became the happiest I've ever been. What!? I know. I became so fearful that God would take it all away from me. It wasn't until I finally sat down and asked (ok begged) for answers that, guess what, I got them. I wasn't trusting Jesus and His plan. I was worrying all the time and feeling so anxious about me, me, me. When I finally went into His word, He stared straight back at me and gave me overwhelming peace. Because He is faithful.

That anxiety has been gone since that day (and I mean that day. He instantly took it away). Throughout my entire pregnancy Jack was in God's hands, right where he belongs!

So as the past couple of weeks have come and gone I've felt that anxiousness burning in my belly again. I know some of it is because we haven't braved the crowds yet and have missed a month of church, but that's still just another excuse. Today was the day where I finally listened to that voice in the back of my head and picked up my devotional that was burning a hole into our coffee table.

Dr. Google (mamas you know what I'm talking about) had convinced me in the past 24 hours that my son's very hungry appetite was a growth spurt that turned into a cold that turned into pneumonia which turned into me crying, convinced I am absolutely the worst mom in the world. Mind you, his temperature was perfect, he's eating perfectly, he's sleeping like a rock, yet I was sure something was happening! 
Hey anxiety, nice to see you again.
It wasn't until I heard that tapping at my heart that I realized I needed to slow down and talk it out with my Father. 

He gave me this:

...release all your worries into My care. Entrust to Me everything that concerns you. Let me free you from fear that is hiding deep inside you. Sit quietly in My presence, allowing My Light to soak into you and drive out any darkness lodged in you. Trust Me and don't be fearful; rest in My sovereignty. 
(Jesus Calling)

Oh there You are Jesus, where You've been the whole time! I get so stuck in my own head that I forget I'm not the one in charge here! It's overwhelming how loving and caring He is, enough to constantly remind me through his Word and through testimonies that I am loved, and He is taking care of us. My only job? To trust Him and live my life to shine a light onto Him.

I know I will never reach the the place where I am the ultimate Christian. Is there even such a thing? All I know is every day my God is by my side, guiding us along this beautiful path He laid out for us. 

I can only trust in Jesus,
Be the best mom and wife I can possibly be,
And pray for the tools I need to show Jack what an incredible and sovereign Father we have.

I don't know where this finds you today, but if Dr. Google has smacked you across the face know you're not alone. And know your real doctor told you to stay away from him for a reason! I know this won't be the last time I'm here, but I pray for accountability and friendships to give me a nudge and say, "Hey, trust Him."

By the way, Jack is healthy and beautiful and doing everything a 5 week old should be (and then some!) Oh to love like this :)

Sunday, September 29, 2013

That Man of Mine

I love my husband. 
More than I ever thought was humanly possible.
However, seeing him hold our child has brought on an unimaginable kind of love.
He's such an incredible father, and I know will only continue to be Jack's hero as he gets older. Every time he's in the room Jack stares at him, wide-eyed, in awe already of this incredible man. I swear Jack was instantly in love with Andrew the second he came into this world. Mom who? I wanna stare at that handsome guy. It's incredible, and the most beautiful thing to watch. I'm a sap anyways. These two? Together? I'm a wreck! Nothing has pulled my heart strings like seeing Andrew hold Jack, snuggled up into his chest, completely at peace in his father's arms.

 You know how they say, "Marry a man you'd be proud to have as a son"? I got that. I can't wait to watch their relationship grow with every day. They're already best friends. It's so incredible!
I'm a little obsessed with their bromance. Ready for an overload of cuteness? Here's my post dedicated to my boys, my whole world. ❤






And I thought I loved you then.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Jack's Birth Story

Jack William Mitchell
September 1st, 2013
* 1:46 a.m. * 7.11 lbs * 19.5 in *
Our perfect, little boy finally came six days past our due date. I'm going to try to keep this short and sweet, but we'll see how that goes!
I went to bed on August 30th feeling really uncomfortable. I couldn't sleep at all, and I had continuous cramping going on. I'd been having painful Braxton Hicks contractions for almost a week, so I wasn't convinced that it was finally time. We had just scheduled an induction date for the following Tuesday since we were all worried that I was about to pop out a 10 pound baby (don't always believe those ultrasounds!!) Anyways, I got up around 6 am and started making pancakes to freeze since I was stocking our fridge up for the big day. Once I realized the contractions were pretty consistant, I decided to wake up Andrew (around 9 am). I didn't want to get too excited, and I was sure that these contractions would go away just like all the other times. I told Andrew that today felt different, and he went straight into planner mode. I'm pretty sure he had the entire car packed up annd ready to go within 10 minutes :) Since little man had been measuring big the whole pregnancy, and I was only at 1 cm at the last Doctor's appointment, I think I had convinced myself that he was just too cozy to come out on his own. I was fully prepared to go in to the hospital Tuesday morning, get induced, and end up having a C section. I should have known that God's plan, once again, was much better than my own. :)
I called our doctor's office around 11 and talked to the Dr. on call since my wonderful doctor was away at the lake for Labor Day weekend (of course). She said I still sounded okay and to come in a few hours from then. I had wanted to labor at home for as long as possible anyways, so I gladly took her advice. It wasn't until I was doubled over with my face stuck in the couch that I decided it was probably a good time to head on in.
Let me just say, Andrew was the absolute BEST partner throughout this entire process. He sat next to me and waited for every contraction. He then would jump into position, rubbing my back and encouraging me through every painful minute. He was so supportive from the second I told him, "I think this is it!" to the moment our boy was born.
Driving to the hospital was nothing like you imagine. It was a gorgeous, leisurely drive on a beautiful Saturday. Once we got to the hospital, Andrew (thankfully) took the reigns and filled out all of our paperwork, making sure I was taken care of. Since it was a holiday weekend, we basically had the hospital to ourselves and it was AWESOME.
We found out I was already 4-5cm, so they moved us into the L&D room. Uh. Which was like a suite. I felt so pampered and comfortable! The nurses had been helping me breathe through the contractions, but I was definitely ready for the epidural. Once that sucker was in, we watched college football all day and hung out with our family. God bless the women that do it naturally, I mean it. I give MAD props to you ladies that push through. However, I am a big fan of the epidural. I had a small amount so I still felt my legs and pressure, but the edge of the pain was gone. Hallelujah.
The doctor came in telling us we would probably have this baby before midnight, and I was SO ready. Hours later, it wasn't looking so promising. Like I said before, I was fully prepared to hear that I had to have a C-section. My mom had us both that way, and genetics play a big role in pregnancy. So when I hit 8 cm (which felt like days later) our nurse smiled and told me that I could easily have this baby on my own. I can't tell you the overwhelming feeling of relief and happiness that brought.
I'm rambling. SO. We turned off the football and popped in John Mayer. Between helping me through each push Andrew would switch out one Jay May cd for the next. Yep, we had the entire discography. It was honestly the most laid back experience. We chatted with our nurse (who was seriously amazing and wonderful) the whole time, pushed, and then started right back where we left off. I couldn't have asked for a better experience. I'll spare you the details, but it was the hardest, most incredible thing I have ever done.
26 hours after I started labor, Jack was here. He came into the world with his eyes wide open, and not a single cry.

Our family is complete. I thought I had a plan for myself 3 1/2 years ago when I moved here. Guess what? God's plan was SO MUCH BETTER. I have never felt more loved or happy then I do with Andrew and Jack. The love my heart has for these two amazing, blue eyed boys is limitless. I wish I could put it into words, but I can't :) 
We've been spending our days with this incredible little boy, who is the happiest, most laid back little man I have ever seen. Have I mentioned how cute he is?! I mean seriously.
We are beyond blessed and overwhelmed with the love and support our family & friends have washed over us. Thank you all for being a part of this journey with me. I have the best husband in the world, and we now get to share our love with the most incredible boy.

I told you I couldn't keep it short. I'm going to keep blogging about Jack & life in general starting from here on out :) (Between feedings and snuggles, of course) Thanks for loving us, and praying for our family. I can't tell you how lucky I feel every day.
I get to spend forever with these two. Yeah. Pinch me.


Sunday, August 25, 2013

Happy Due Date! *40 weeks*

Happy 40 weeks! :) Oh the emotional roller coaster I have been on this past week. I've been (impatiently) waiting on this boy to make some sort of move to show that he is, in fact, coming. And let me tell you, I am trying all the tricks. Cajun seasoning on everything, bouncing and rocking on my exercise ball, walks with Andrew; you name it, I've tried it. I guess my little man is just too happy and content to move on down though.

I had a bit of a break down last night due to the frustration and just tiredness I feel. I have been so blessed with such an amazing pregnancy. I'm 9 months pregnant and still able to go about my day like nothing's different. However, I'm 9 months pregnant and it's taking a toll on my body and brain. So, I just got so weepy last night. Once again, Andrew saved the day. After holding me for a good half hour and reassuring me how strong and beautiful I am (God bless him) he told me he needed to go fix his tail light. When he came back in a little bit later he asked me to go pick a movie for us to watch upstairs. When he called me back to ask a question, I see a huge bouquet of pink, red, and white roses with Pringles and chocolate. Somehow he picked up me whining about my craving for Pringles in the middle of my sobs and went to go get them all for me. 

Husband of the year!? Uh, yeah!!!! He has kept me sane throughout this pregnancy, and I'm so blessed to have him as my partner in all this.

I woke up this morning with a new sense of peace. After praying/sobbing/begging God for some relief, He gave it to me. (As always!) I realized how truly blessed I am that I get to experience the privilege of carrying Jack. My biggest problem is that my baby boy is fully developed and healthy and just wants to hang in there a little while longer. What a beautiful problem to have. 

So here we are, 40 weeks pregnant and probably still goin another week. God's timing has always been much better then my own. I trust in Jesus and His plan for me and this baby. That's all there is to it!