Boy or Girl??
I might be the most impatient pregnant woman in the ENTIRE world. Andrew really has been such an amazing support system through my crazy emotions. I literally sat down today and looked through every pregnacy blog I could find and compared my belly to theirs at 13 weeks. Some were huge, some were smaller than mine. Am I growing? Is that a baby or a bagel?? AAAHHH!
I put a picture of 7 weeks next to 13 weeks and this is what I got:
So YES! Although the bump is small, it is mighty and growing!
This is mostly for my own sense of calm.
Anywaysss. Now that I'm officially in the 2nd trimester, I can't WAIT to find out what we're having. :) We've already decided on names.
Bailey Grace
(we're still trying to figure out the middle name.)
Bailey was easy, because I had a dream that we had a baby girl about 3 months before we found out I was pregnant. That's been one of the crazy signs. When I woke up and told Andrew, we both lit up and decided that one day when we had a girl, she would be Bailey. LOVED that name.
When we had suspicions that I was preggo, we were driving home from Georgia talking about it. I finally threw my hands up and said, "There's no use talking about it until I take a test. Besides, I'm totally not pregnant." Two seconds later? BAM! We pass a huge building that read, "BAILEY TOWERS" and that's how we knew. :)
Coming up with a boy's name is proving a little bit harder. Since Andrew is convinced we're having a girl, he figures it's silly to pick out boy names. Unless of course it's Chip Otle Mitchell.
Either way, we're both unbelievably ecstatic and cant wait for this little beauty to be here, boy OR girl! I can't wait to be mama to Baby Mitchell!!
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