Tuesday, April 30, 2013

*23 Weeks*

How far along? 23 weeks
Maternity clothes? I pretty much live in maternity leggings. As you can see, most of my shirts are getting a litttttle too tight haha
Stretch marks? Nope! fingers crossed i'll stay this lucky!
Sleep: I've had better :) I've been getting up a lot more frequently during the night, and can't really get comfortable sleeping. Once I fall asleep on one side, my arm is numb and I have to switch sides.

Best moment this week: Hearing little man's heartbeat :) I had a little bit of a break down the other night (my pregnancy hormones are at an allll time high) and Andrew just took my hands and faced me, and started praying. Having such an incredible partner through all this has made this journey so smooth. On top of that though, having a constant accountability partner to remind me that God has this pregnancy in His hands is the only way I've survived. However, having an amazing OB and staff that calm my every panic has made it really nice :) He's healthy and strong! That's always the best :)
Miss Anything? Sleeping on my back! I had no idea how much I did it until I got pregnant.
Movement: SO much! Watching him move around my belly all the time is seriously the coolest thing ever. I think that will be the part I miss most of being pregnant once he's finally here!!
Food cravings: At the moment? CHOCOLATE. haha I usually will just have random, I-need-this-now-or-i-will-die food cravings, but nothing too consistant.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Labor Signs: Hopefully none will be coming for a good while!
Symptoms: Holyyyy hormones. I've been crying a lot lately. Of course I was a mess because I was marrying my best friend and that was the coolest thing EVER! but on top of that to be pregnant, I've fully invested in waterproof mascara for every day needs. My back is a little achy and my feet swell if I'm on them too long.

Belly Button in or out? The top half is flat now haha so weird!

Wedding rings on or off? On!! WHOO HOO!! (I LOVE being married just as much as I love being pregnant!

Happy or Moody most of the time: Oh both. Yesterday I was crying my eyes out, and today I couldn't stop smiling. Luckily, I only have reasons to be happy :)
Looking forward to: I get a bonus ultrasound on monday to see our baby boy! Also getting our registry together and planning a nursery. YAY! 

Monday, April 29, 2013

It's A.....

We are SO excited to announce that little Mitchell is in fact Jack William Mitchell!

I've had a big feeling for a long time that baby was a "he", so I was not surprised when I cut into our wedding cake and saw blue!

Waiting to find out what we were having was SO HARD. It felt like years since our last appointment, and knowing that our wedding planner knew and we didn't was torture! It took every bit of strength I had to not go tearing through our wedding cake when we arrived at the venue.
Let me say though, waiting was SO worth it!! Being able to share that moment with those closest to us was incredible. We all ran into the cake room (after the ceremony, toasts, dinner, come on!!!) and everyone picked a side for either girl or boy. Girl was definitely in the lead. The room got dead silent as Andrew and I cut into the cake. One more cut, and I couldn't take it anymore! I slid the piece sideways and screamed , "IT'S A BOY!!!!" And then I lost it.
Jack was kicking me the whole time we read our vows, and then the whole time we were cutting into the cake. That baby boy was front and center, letting his mom and dad know he was a part of our day. The second I found he was "he" I seriously felt that I bonded with him one million times over. There's something incredible about putting a name to a face, especially when that little face is inside my belly. I have fallen in love with him more than I can even put into words. I can't wait to meet our son!
Our venue captured the moment on tape. The celebration you hear can't even come close to the love we felt!

WHOA! *20/21/22 weeks/We're MARRIED!*

First off let me say, I KNOW. I've totally been slacking, but I have a really good excuse:
I got to marry my best friend!!!!
Andrew and I finally got to tie the knot last week :) And let me tell you, it was the absolute BEST week of my entire life!
I'm going to do a whole wedding blog once we get our pictures back, but I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who made it so incredible. It was intimate and beautiful, surrounded by SO much love!
While we're here I do want to throw something out. Obviously I'm pregnant :) But that is not the reason we got married. If Andrew would have married me 6 months in I would have sprinted to the altar! I knew right away when I met him that he was the one I would spend forever with. He had just asked my parents for permission the week before we even found out we were pregnant. So there's that :) We've got such an amazing relationship, and Little Baby Mitchell is just an AWESOME bonus!!
Since the past few weeks have been pretty crazy busy, I didn't even have time to take pictures of my belly (also, there was a fireman poster in place of my chalkboard for my bachelerotte party. so that would have been awkward)
However! I did get a picture at 21 weeks with my preggo friend (with twins!) Martha at our pre-wedding celebration :)

I don't even have a sign for 22 weeks because we were in the middle of the most amazing wedding ever!
Again, THANK YOU for the unbelievably amounts of love and support from our amazing friends & family. We feel so incredibly blessed every day by you.

Friday, April 5, 2013

*19 weeks*

So FINALLY we got to have the big ultrasound where we find out the gender!
{{Drum Roll}}
We still won't know until our wedding.
I KNOW I KNOW...the list of people who want our baker's address is growing by the day. In case you don't know, we're surprising our guests (and ourselves!) with the reveal by putting either pink or blue into the base layer of our wedding cake. Gotta get people to watch the cake cutting right?!
Andrew came to me with the idea after Matt Krech geniously proposed it to him. Although I want to kick myself sometimes for agreeing, I'm really happy we've chosen to go through with it. This way we get to experience one of the biggest moments of our lives with our ENTIRE families.
Two weeks!! Two weeks!!
However, we did get to see that beautiful baby. :) Everything is right on track! Thank the Lord. We have a snuggler who wouldn't move out of the placenta, but you can still see most of their face :)

Seriously though, I am SO in love already. 
We are so incredibly blessed, and I am so moved by this beautiful creation of life inside my tummy! Every day gets a little more real when I feel the little kicks down in my abs.
Sorry, post work out. Hi baby bump!!
How far along: 19 weeks
Maternity clothes? Yes! But I also have found cute summer/spring dresses that I just buy up a size! I know it's going to be a hot one, but I am really thankful that I get to spend the majority of my "bump" days wearing no pants and only dresses. I hate pants.
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep: Still getting up a few times a night, I swear this baby LOVES my bladder. But I'm sleeping really well once I get out.

Best moment this week: Seeing that beautiful face :) And knowing that at least someone knows what we're having!!
Miss Anything? Wine! I miss just sitting down with dinner and having a glass.
Movement: Yes :) Still little flutters, but a lot more often
Food cravings: Well luckily Im starting to want avocado again. But all I want to eat is cheese and carbs. Which I can't!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Sometimes I'll open the fridge or be washing dishes and I want to run to the toilet. But textures are starting to really bug me.
Labor Signs: None for awhile!
Symptoms: Back pain, movement, sleepiness, pregnancy brain (OH the pregnancy brain)
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? Almost timeee!!!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Well, I found out that I can't have carbs anymore...and I LOVE CARBS. Pastas, breads, you name it, I will eat it. I've been really slacking the past month or so on my diet and working out, and I'm paying for it. I've had to get back on track and I have been a MONSTER because of it. I want that bowl of mac and cheese SO bad, but pass the carrots please? It's been an adjustment, but luckily I bounce back quickly. Andrew's had to deal with my hormonal mood swings, but happy to say babe, I'm happy again! ;)
Also, as I write this I just got a text from him asking if I wanted anything from an emergency Wendy's stop. He knows how much I love spicy chicken! Oh the prices I pay for the beautiful baby. :) Which makes it all so unbelievably worth it.
Looking forward to: SPRING! This weather is amazing! We get to go to Keeneland tomorrow to watch some horse races to celebrate Miss Bowles. I can't wait to get out and enjoy the sunshine with our friends!